Chess Engine: Fire 7.1 (May 27, 2018)
Author: Norman Schmidt
Rating Elo: 3427 computerchess
TOP 10 most powerful engines
Download Fire 7.1 (May 27, 2018)
Rating Elo: 3427 computerchess
TOP 10 most powerful engines
Download Fire 7.1 (May 27, 2018)
Windows UCI 32-bit or 64-bit SMP (to 64 threads) configurable hash ponder multiPV analysis mode
chess960 (Fischer Random)
Syzygy tablebases
ajustable contempt setting
chess960 (Fischer Random)
Syzygy tablebases
ajustable contempt setting
Note released: 05/27/2018
significant maintenance release which addresses multiple critical issues:
- losses on time in Arena GUI
- loss of communication to GUI while pondering
- multi-threading crashes with 'unknown exception' error
- freezing/unpredictable behavior due to buffer under/over runs
It is highly recommended to upgrade any previous Fire 7 binaries to this release
significant maintenance release which addresses multiple critical issues:
- losses on time in Arena GUI
- loss of communication to GUI while pondering
- multi-threading crashes with 'unknown exception' error
- freezing/unpredictable behavior due to buffer under/over runs
It is highly recommended to upgrade any previous Fire 7 binaries to this release
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